
From Portals of Phereon Wiki
Revision as of 07:10, 1 July 2021 by (talk) (Overly opinionated history balanced with counter-arguments)

The god of Evolution with an optimistic worldview, Nila is one of the main characters of Portals of Phereon. Her special ability is that she can turn herself into other species she has had sex with, and by performing rituals she can gain skill points for permanent upgrades that affect every form or body parts for a special chimeric form. She can also adapt any character, giving them any genetic traits she has acquired in her trait library, or even learn to give them skills. While she doesn't have the same ability to customize her units as the Creation, or as many unique abilities as the Druid/Prince, Nila has incredible power and versatility. Depending on her form, she can fit almost any role and excel in it.

Evolution is by far the easiest to use. Her transformations give her raw power and options beyond the other MCs, who get locked into specific roles as the game progresses. Unlike Creation, whose stats relies on genes to grow stronger; or Druid/Prince who needs to save then spend skill points gained; Nila gets a flat 5% boost with every level up, giving her a superior power growth as well.

HISTORY In earlier versions of the game Evo functioned very differently from her current state, resulting in much more shapeshifting.

She would unlock base species and hybrids then level each form to increase her stats in related forms. Levelling as special forms gave increases to all stats across the board.

The perk tree was more a perk list which was much more open in terms of developing. Some options on the list could be acquired repeatedly, which provided a "post cap" growth avenue.

The total amount of possible levelling was excessive, and the end result was frankly OP, with avenues for endless growth.

For some that's how a shapeshifter should work, constantly changing between forms. For others it made Evo just another unit which happened to be much stronger, and boring with nothing unique to offer.

Instead of being adjusted and fixed, the old system was scrapped with barely a trace of it left.

Some complain because Evo isn't an absurdly OP unit that can solo the whole game. What follows are some arguments and counter-arguments.

The total stats bonuses were nerfed to the point where a well levelled generic character with decent genes can actually outperform the "god" MC? Also applies to the other MCs.

Repeatable stat perks were removed, even though Evo still can't hold on to any permanent stat alterations provided by special potions? It's called balance. Evo already has access to more power than the other MCs.

The perk tree is now choke-full of trade-off perks and even perks that take more than give (like berserk), even though Evo is still supposedly about versatility and not specialization? Again, balance. If you take everything and fill all the skill trees Evo she still ends up with ridiculous stats. Also Evo is still about versatility. Unlike the other MCs, she can transform to change roles whenever, the others get locked into specific roles as the game progresses.

Even though you still need to level generations after generations of generic characters, Evo now has only one level "pool". So once you hit 20 or 25 that's it - no more significant MC progression. The MCs progression is focused more on their skill trees, not their levels. It's not like Creation has any more.

Pick a role you want to "stick" to at the beginning, and hunt for related chimera parts. Make (keep re-making actually) a form out of them so that MC can at least bear their own weight while the special forms are locked. Then expand your arsenal for better parts for other roles, all the while you're in the progress of unlocking special forms. And once the ultimate one is in play ("god" form is doable within less than a month, about half a month if you focus on breeding for it IIRC), you're pretty much DONE - the rest of the game will be all about building up the contents of your 5 party slots. Pick a role to stick to at the beginning? You're already playing Evo wrong. Versatility, not specialization. God form is powerful, but not supreme. It's possible to have a chimera form with greater Magic.

When party build-up is concerned Evo's contribution is mostly about species versatility, since you have the ability to change inherited "species" gene at the drop of a hat. Use that both to expand your initial genetic pool of breeders and to facilitate access to hybrids. The key advantage here is that you don't need to have access to it's portal to introduce a species gene through Evo - you can get some unavailable bases through the Arena, or even though the Brothel. Of course that is only useful if you want to start breeding very early. As the game goes on your opportunities to grab new types from portals will naturally fill the whole gene pool for you, and the gap between the genes will only widen with time.